If it's your first time applying for a grant or service from Clergy Support Trust, you'll need to Register, and then have your account Verified by a member of our team.

Registration and Verification

Once you have Registered and have had your account Verified, you can log in to apply for a grant or service. You'll also be able to access updates on the progress of your application.

Login (after Verification)

Need a helping hand? Click here for guidance and how-to videos so you can Register, get Verified and Apply.

Some Apple device users are having issues applying for grants using the Safari browser. To fix this, we recommend using Chrome to apply:

Step 1 - Register for a new account

Everyone applying will need to register an account on our new system. You will need to do this even if you have previously had support from us in the past.

We recommend using your personal email address rather than a ministry or work-related email. This is to help protect your confidentiality. It also means that if you move posts, or there is another change in your circumstances, then your email history comes with you.

Step 2 - Verify your eligibility

Verification is a simple process so we can confirm you are in a clergy household or have a past link to a clergy person by a previous marriage or civil partnership.

It also ensures the right level of support is available to your household.

To verify your eligibility, you will need to provide:

  • Your contact details and some information about who you are
  • Evidence that you are Anglican clergy (or evidence of your connection or previous connection to a current or past clergy person), eg. a stipend slip or pension - verification documents
  • A declaration that your savings and property ownership meet our threshold

Once you have submitted this form, it will be reviewed for verification by our grants and services team. You will be notified by email when this has been completed, and you will then be able to apply using the system.

We will be in touch within 10 working days to confirm if your eligibility has been verified.

Step 3 - Confirmation of eligibility

You will receive an email confirming you have been verified as an eligible applicant (which will allow members of your household to benefit from help and support).

Once you have received this confirmation you will be able to apply for help and support using our online application system. It does not mean your application will be automatically approved; each application is individually reviewed on its own merits and each decision is discretionary.

Within the email, you will be invited to create your account. You will now have one login. This single login will be for all grants and services for your household. When you log in, you will also be able to add an additional contact within your household for your spouse or partner.

Step 4 - Matching any support history

If you have applied to us before, we hope to match your account to your previous grant and service history. We will match your data using two or more of the following: your name, email, telephone number and National Insurance number.

You will then be able to view your grant application history under Completed Applications. This is also where you can view the status and progress of any grant applications once submitted.

If you are new to us don’t worry, just continue to register. After we verify your household, you can access our grant applications and apply for support.

Step 5 - Apply for a grant/service

When your eligibility has been confirmed, you will be able to log in and see the grants and services that you can apply for on your dashboard.

Selecting a grant/service to apply for, you will be asked to confirm that the information you have provided is current and then see a simple grant application.

If an application is more than one page, progress will be saved when you click 'Save and Next'. Once submitted, you will be able to view its progress under 'Completed Applications'.

Although verified as eligible, each application is assessed on its own merits. At launch, we are anticipating a high number of applications and thank you for your patience.

Registration Checklist

You will need the following to register and be verified:

  • Contact details (email and phone)
  • Household saving details (savings include all household bank / building society accounts except children's accounts, savings accounts, ISAs, stocks and shares or other financial investments, but exclude any funds in defined contribution pension schemes.)
  • National Insurance Number (UK) or Personal Public Service Number (Ireland), especially to match your previous grant history
  • Proof of your clergy status or link to a current/past clergy person. For example: stipend slip or pension slip from the last 3 months, or other verification document(s)

Before you apply

To progress any application, we need supporting document(s) listed on the grant/service page. Without these, we can't reach a decision.

Similarly, you need to provide verification document(s) when you register on the system, showing how you are connected to a clergy household.

The registration process is one-off and the video to the right walks you through the process of filling out the form, from start to finish.

Registration walk-through