There is a wide range of support available for those living with Long-Covid and we can help, whether you are experiencing physical or mental health difficulties.

Please do get in touch with our grants and services team (0800 389 5192 or to discuss any specific needs to support recovery or independence.

Emergency grants

Smaller grants for expenses up to £500.

  • Independent living – specifically designed for those living with Long-Covid whether it helps towards the cost of a cleaner, or help with washing or ironing.
  • Transport & travel – for costs due to attending hospital or medical appointments
  • Energy costs – if Long-Covid means you are spending more time at home, a contribution towards heating or electricity costs.
  • Gardening costs – if you need some help with keeping on top of your garden, we can potentially help with this.
  • Technology - to help people keep in touch or work more efficiently using a computer or other device.

Emergency Grants

Wellbeing grants & support

A Wellbeing grant provides your household with a grant designed to promote your health and happiness. Wellbeing support is for some households where there are special caring, educational, health or trauma-related needs.

  • Rest and recuperation for you or your family in the form of holidays, respite breaks or retreats.
  • If you are in a position to slowly regain your fitness, we can look at things like a gym membership or exercise classes.
  • If you or a member of your family is now a full-time carer, we can provide a grant towards helping them improve their mental health, or just taking a break from the day-to-day caring routine.
  • Relationship counselling if you are struggling with the changing roles within your relationship or family, for you or as a couple.
  • Young carer support for anyone up to the age of 18, who is helping to care for a parent with Long-Covid, to be spent on a hobby or activity which they would enjoy and build friendships and self-esteem.

Wellbeing grants

Wellbeing support


  • In some circumstances, where we can speed up an eventual referral within the NHS, we can look at funding one-off diagnostic tests. We would usually be able to fund such tests up to £2,000.
  • If you need any mobility aids or equipment to help maintain your independence, we can offer an occupational therapy assessment through our partner, The OT Practice. Or, if you are struggling with the impact on your mental health, The OT Practice can also help with potential coping strategies.
  • If you need some short-term rehabilitation or physical therapies, we can help with funding some sessions for you.
  • Our partnership with Sleepstation can help anyone who is suffering from poor quality sleep and may involve a course of online cognitive behavioural therapy, with support from a sleep coach.
  • If you or your partner/spouse just need someone to talk to about what you’ve been through, we can refer you to JR Corporate Health for some counselling support.

For serving and retired clergy and their families, and ordinands:

Health grants 

Financial and debt support

  • If you are concerned about your financial situation and are struggling, consider contacting us about a financial support grant. This is means-tested and if you call us first we can check if you are eligible.
  • In addition, if Long-Covid has made your debt situation worse and you have concerns, please contact us to see how we can help. We have two partnerships and (in some cases) grant support available through Churches Mutual Credit Union and StepChange Debt Charity.

Financial support grants

Debt advice and support