
Governors are our closest circle of supporters. For a one-time donation of £100, our Governors can direct our mission by attending our Annual Assembly and voting for our Court of Assistants.

Officially, our Governors are "elected" at the Annual Assembly. Once elected, a Governor remains a Governor for life – although further financial support is always welcome!

While day-to-day responsibility for the charity rests with our Trustees (elected by our Governors), the Governors are our ultimate governing body, as laid down in our 1678 Royal Charter from King Charles II.

If you have questions about becoming a Governor or would like a paper copy of this form, please contact us.

Apply online Apply by post

Annual Assembly

The Annual Assembly is the AGM of the charity when our Governors meet to hear about our work and elect new trustees and Governors.

A eucharist precedes the meeting at which a guest speaker is also invited, with lunch afterwards.

In 2023, the 345th Annual Assembly took at Southwark Cathedral on Thursday 16 November 2023. The guest speaker, Rt Revd Humphrey Southern, spoke in his role as Principal of Ripton College, Cuddesdon.

The 346th Annual Assembly (AGM) will take place on Thursday 10 October 2024.

A group of people, seated, watching a presentation on a television screen.

Annual Assembly 2021 - Trustees

Court of Assistants (Trustees)

Oversight of the charity is vested in our Board of Trustees, known as the Court of Assistants, which meets every two months.

The members of the Court of Assistants are elected by the Governors of Clergy Support Trust at the Annual Assembly, in accordance with the Royal Charter. The Court of Assistants can co-opt others to its number, pending formal election at the Assembly.

The three officers of the charity, known as the Treasurers, are also elected by the Governors at the Annual Assembly.  

The Court of Assistants has four standing committees: Governance, Grants & Partnerships, Investments and Risk, Audit & Finance.

Trustees' Annual Reports