This is a summary of the grants available for when you are in need. Before applying, please complete the eligibility checker to ensure that you meet the property and savings threshold.

Please contact a member of the grants team to discuss your situation in confidence before you make an application.

Please also take a look at the services available.

So that we might process your application without unnecessary delays please provide your supporting documents with the application. This may include: stipend slip; receipt; invoice(s); letter of recommendation; evidence of training; quotes; etc.

Please apply for one category per application, taking into consideration your most urgent area of need. Applications which request help from multiple categories are likely to experience processing delays.

Emergency Grant

Designed to help in times of unexpected expenses and crises. Smaller in value, up to £500, with quick decisions they range from replacing an appliance to bereavement costs to general living expenses. You may apply up to twice per household in a calendar year.

Wellbeing Grant

Designed to help promote your health and happiness, including holidays, retreats, sabbaticals, respite breaks, improving your fitness with a bike(s) or supporting a hobby, etc. You can apply for one wellbeing grant per household in a calendar year.

Financial Support Grant (Means Tested)

In times of need, these larger means-tested grants can help with bigger needs. For example car deposits, childcare costs, funerals, moving and general living expenses. You can apply for one of these grants every 12 months.

Health Grant

Designed to help those with temporary or long-term health conditions (physical or mental) and neuro-diverse conditions. The grants primarily support one-off/defined needs, instead of regular treatment/therapy where national health services can't provide or the waiting times are unreasonable. Also available to ordinand households.

Debt Support

Helping you manage your household finances and explore options for household debt (personal unsecured debts). Working with our partners, CMCU and StepChange in complete confidence and mindful of the impact some debt solutions may have for serving clergy.

Wellbeing Support

This support is focussed on the needs of: carers; individuals with physical/mental/neuro-diverse conditions; clergy children (up to 25) dealing with traumatic experiences; and special educational needs. Support can be wide-ranging and you are advised to contact our Grants and Services team in confidence to discuss your needs prior to applying.

If you are unable to apply online then you can request a paper application by phone, email or by writing to us at 1 Dean Trench Street, London SW1P 3HB.

Please also let us know if you need a large print or any other help to enable you to apply.

Grants Frequently Asked Questions

Looking to finish an existing application? Please go here.