The 370th Festival will be held on Tuesday 13 May 2025

The Festival is a unique and extraordinary event. It celebrates the work of the Trust and the clergy households we serve, with our generous supporters.

The Service at St Paul's Cathedral (5pm) is one of the oldest choral music events in the world, and brings together three of the UK’s finest cathedral choirs. The Dinner at Plaisterers' Hall (7pm) is an opportunity for networking and fellowship, as we fundraise to support our work.

Tickets to the Service are free. For the Dinner, we ask that our guests please make a contribution towards the cost of their meal.

On Friday 21 March, 1pm - 4pm, we encountered technical problems with our booking system. This has now been fixed, so if you attempted to book tickets during this time but encountered an error message, you can now retry with the link below.

Book your tickets

St Paul's Cathedral Map


  • Doors open at 4.00pm, entering by the West Doors.
    Please be seated by 4.45pm when the processions start.
  • The service will last approximately an hour.
  • The service is ticketed, which will be required for entry.
  • Photography is not permitted within the Cathedral.
  • Security bag-checking will be in operation. Personal items must be kept with you at all times. There is no cloakroom facility.
    If you have any accessibility needs, please contact us after you have booked to ensure easy access.
  • If you need to cancel, please contact us to release the space.

The Procession

The Service includes a majestic procession of Bishops, senior clergy, Masters of Livery Companies, representatives of the City of London, Stewards of the Festival and other dignitaries down the central aisle of St Paul’s Cathedral.

More about the Festival