Health grants are designed to help those with temporary or long-term health conditions (physical or mental) and neurodiverse conditions.

Where possible, we expect those with a diagnosed long-term condition to be in receipt of ill-health state benefits. We can help people with temporary ill health issues who aren't eligible for ill-health state benefits (eg. slipped disc).

It is unlikely that we would be able to fund:

  • repetitive, regular treatment
  • therapy on a long-term basis
  • retrospective costs
  • private treatments

The exception is where treatments are unavailable on the NHS, or where waiting times are unreasonable. We are not able to cover any operations available on the NH / Irish Health Services.

Health grants are also available to Ordained Mission Partners and Overseas clergy in the UK, however for emergency purposes only.

Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis. We may refer your case to our medical advisor, for which your consent will be requested with a medical consent form.

Addiction support

Support is available for issues including: alcohol; drugs; gambling; sex or smoking.

Our support, if not available on the NHS or through your local authority, may include attendance of support groups, addiction treatment centres (including residential); counselling or psychotherapy.

We would only be able to help one with attendance at an addiction treatment centre. Ideally, we would receive requests in advance of attending but understand that getting help is the priority.

Retrospective applications, within 3 months of treatment starting, can be considered, after statutory routes have been exhausted. Such applications may need a referral to our medical advisor.


Addiction support documentation

Please provide

  • Estimate/quotes for the proposed treatment
  • Invoices for treatment, if retrospective
  • Related medical documents
  • Your verification document(s)

Assistive technologies

Assistive technologies are products and services that empower disabled people to become more independent. People who have disabilities often have difficulty performing activities of daily living (ADLs) independently or even with assistance. ADLs are self-care activities that include toileting, mobility, eating, bathing, dressing and grooming.

The term covers a wide variety of technologies from educational computer software, screen readers, hearing aids and environmental controls enabling users to operate doors, computers, tablets and other household appliances.

In addition, we are able to provide mainstream technology (laptops/tablets/mobiles) for applicants living with long-term disabilities/conditions, where there is a clear educational, social or wellbeing need.

We would expect all applicants to request any such equipment via NHS or social services in the first instance. In some cases, we may require an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment.


Assistive technologies documentation

Please provide

  • Estimates/quotes for assistive technologies
  • Occupational Therapy assessment if required *
  • Related medical documents
  • Your verification document(s)

* If you’re unable to access an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment via the NHS or Irish Health Service within a reasonable timeframe, we may be able to arrange this with our service partner, The OT Practice.

Care home fees and care-at-home costs (means tested)

Care home fees

Limited help can be considered towards the costs of nursing home care where the shortfall in fees cannot be met by own resources, the State, local authority, other relevant charities or family.

With any application, we would expect to see the assessed shortfall from social services (after local authority contribution and applicant contribution) and would require that total savings (and assets if a single person) are less than the relevant savings threshold for local authority funding.

Applicants with a vacant owned property will only be considered for a grant in the first year and support will be capped at £6,000 or less for retired clergy with less than 40 years of service. Further help will only be considered once the vacant property is sold and any resulting savings and assets fall to below the relevant savings threshold for local authority funding.

We will seek to determine the ability of other family members to cover the shortfall (remaining partner’s capital available) and encourage you to seek additional sources of funding. If you are unable to fund the remaining shortfall we may need to withdraw our offer of a contribution and make a referral to our Visiting Caseworker team.

Care-at-home costs

For those who receive 'care-at-home', we may be able to consider a contribution towards care costs. We would need to see evidence of the LA (local authority) contribution, if any, and how much you are paying towards your care.


Care home documentation

Please provide

Before applying for care home fees, we strongly recommend that you contact our grants team.

Coaching and mentoring

Coaching provides a safe space for you to think, explore and process what you need to, without distraction.

Importantly, coaching is not the same as mentoring or counselling. In mentoring, a person more knowledgeable than you gives their wisdom. In counselling, you look back to resolve personal or psychological problems.

Through our partner service, 3D Coaching, we are able to consider up to 6 sessions of coaching, at any one point in time, to be used over a 12-month period.

This service is available to ordinands, serving and retired clergy, their partners/spouses, former partners/spouses and adult children (18 - 25).


Coaching documentation

Please provide

Find out more


If you require treatment which is not available on the NHS or NH / Irish Health Service, we may consider grants towards private dentistry costs.

We wouldn't normally fund retrospective dentistry costs, but we understand that emergency cases are retrospective. Please apply within three months of treatment.

We are not able to provide continuing private dental costs, or cover the costs of check-ups, x-rays, fillings or hygienist.

It is unlikely we would consider purely cosmetic procedures (unless of a reconstructive nature).


Dentist documentation

Please provide

Diagnostic tests

We may be able to consider the cost of diagnostic tests unavailable on the NHS or Irish Health Service or those which have unreasonable waiting times (e.g. more than 6 months).

Diagnostic tests that help diagnose or eliminate conditions more speedily and could enable quicker referrals under the NHS or Irish Health Service for future treatment will be considered.


Diagnostic tests documentation

Please provide

  • Estimate/quote from your health professional
  • Supporting documentation from GP, CAMHS, SENCO or current therapist/consultant
  • Your verification document(s)

Education psychologist assessment

We are able to consider the costs towards an educational psychologist assessment for children of school age.

We would usually consider up to £1,000 for such assessments.


Education psychologist documents

Please provide

Glasses and contact lenses

We are able to consider the cost of glasses/contact lenses up to a maximum of £500 per person per year.

If you have a health condition which affects eyesight, we may be able to fund over £500, but this would not include corrective surgery or procedures.

We can consider retrospective applications within three months of purchase.


Glasses and contact lenses documentation

Please provide

  • Quote/estimate for glasses or contact lenses
  • Invoice for glasses or contact lenses, if retrospective
  • Your verification document(s)

Household adaptations

This category covers essential adaptations of a home that you own/occupy to accommodate reasonable adjustments directly related to a clearly defined long-term health condition or disability (e.g. where there is a medical need).

Such applications could include wet room conversions, sensory rooms, accessibility within the house or garden etc. Please tell us how an adaptation would have a substantial improvement in your quality of life, mobility, independence, wellbeing and comfort.

Those living in Church of England Pensions Board's CHARM shared ownership of mortgage properties may apply for a contribution (no more than 50%) of the costs. We are not able to support household adaptations if you are living in rented accommodation.

We would expect you to have approached your local authority to see if you are eligible for a Disabled Facilities Grant. If you are eligible but the waiting time is over 12 months, we will consider support if the health condition is degenerative in nature and there is an immediate need.


Household adaptation documentation

Please provide

  • Letter of support from a health professional
  • Occupational Therapy assessment report *
  • Two estimates/quotes for recommended adaptations
  • Your verification document(s)

* If you’re unable to access an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment via the NHS or Irish Health Service within a reasonable timeframe, we may be able to arrange this with our service partner, The OT Practice.

Mobility aids and equipment

Mobility aids and equipment are available to all eligible possible, including owner/occupiers, those living in CofE Pension Board CHARM properties (renting and shared owners) and those in private or social rented housing.

Where possible, we encourage you to provide an Occupational Therapy or physiotherapy assessment when applying for funding towards mobility aids or equipment. This is to ensure the most appropriate, personalised and safe equipment is being provided.

Applications may include:

  • Adjustable bed
  • Stair lift (see notes)
  • Mobility scooter
  • Wheelchair
  • Riser/recliner chairs

Before applying, please approach the NHS, Irish Health Service or social services for such equipment.

Where equipment has been purchased in advance of an application, retrospective funding is not guaranteed.


Mobility aid documentation

Please provide


  • For those living in rented accommodation, we would expect applicants to seek permission from landlords, if considering installing a stair lift.
  • You are responsible for servicing and maintaining equipment

* If you’re unable to access an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment via the NHS or Irish Health Service within a reasonable timeframe, we may be able to arrange this with our service partner, The OT Practice.

Occupational therapy assessment

Applications for assistive technologies, household adaptations, or mobility aids may require an Occupational Therapist (OT) assessment.

If you’re unable to access an Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment via the NHS or Irish Health Service within a reasonable timeframe, we may be able to arrange this with our service partner, The OT Practice.

Occupational Therapist assessments can also cover help and advice around: mental illness (including dementia), learning disabilities, neurodiversity (eg Autism), dyspraxia, ADHD, coordination difficulties, etc for both adults and children.


Occupational therapy documentation

Please provide


Rehabilitation / physical therapies

We can support those who require physical therapies such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractors, podiatry, speech and language therapy, on a short-term basis after surgery/operations.

In most cases, such therapies should be explored first via the NHS or Irish Health Service. Where unavailable or there are unreasonable waiting times, we can fund therapies up to £1,500.

Rehabilitation can include live-in convalescent care, as well as short-term physiotherapy, speech and language therapy etc. For live-in or 24-hour convalescent care, priority will be given to single applicants, or those where there are other care needs / long-term health issues in the household.

Where possible, rehabilitation must either be unavailable on the NHS/Irish Health Service, or a justification provided as to why extra support is required.


Rehabilitation / physical therapy documentation

Please provide

  • For physical therapy, a letter from your health professional (including their accreditation details) with the start date, number of sessions and cost per session
  • For rehabilitation, a letter from your healthcare provider including details of costs
  • Your verification document(s)

Talking therapies

Therapies for which you can apply include counselling (including relationships, marriage, family and bereavement), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, etc, up to £2,000.

To apply, the treatment must either be unavailable on the NHS or if available, an unreasonable wait time.

For adults (18+) who do not have their own counsellor, we can provide one through our partner JR Corporate Health for an initial assessment and 6 sessions if appropriate. If further sessions are needed, this can be considered based on their recommendation.

You may want to choose your own counsellor. If so, they need to be registered with the Professional Standards Authority.


Talking therapy documentation

Please provide

  • Letter on headed paper from your therapist (including their accreditation details) with the start date, number of recommended sessions and cost per session
  • Your verification document(s)

Please note that is unlikely we will consider ongoing support over £2,000. Requests that exceed this amount would be reviewed by our Medical Advisor, with your consent.

Traumatic events

We are able to support clergy and their dependents if they have had a recent traumatic experience (e.g. marriage breakdown, abuse, bullying, sexual assault etc) or where recent events may have triggered a historic trauma.

Help and support will be tailored to your request, up to £2,000. Support can be accessed once per individual.


Traumatic events documentation

Please provide

  • An outline of the support you are seeking
  • If possible, evidence in the form of a letter from a GP, college/TEI or police incident report
  • Your verification document(s)

Other medical costs

We may be able to consider other medical costs or treatments that meet our charitable object of ‘relief of illness’.

We are unable to consider the following other than exceptional circumstances:

  • Private, retrospective medical costs
  • Operations available on the NHS / Irish Health Services
  • Cosmetic health procedures
  • Complementary therapies


Other medical cost documentation

Please provide

Before you apply

To progress any application, we need the support document(s) listed above in the category type above and your verification document(s). Without these, we can't reach a decision.

The video shows you how to successfully:

  • register on the application system
  • take screenshots (Mac, PC, Phones and Tablets)
  • get a copy of your stipend that isn't blank
  • attach supporting documents to your application

Applying and documentation

How to apply

Please check that you are eligible for a health grant before applying:

Check your eligibility


You may also find the questions and guidance helpful.