Submitted by george.somers@… on

We’re only able to walk alongside thousands of Anglican clergy families each year - including over 1 in 6 of all serving Church of England clergy last year, which has grown to over 1 in 5 this year - thanks to the generosity of our Governors.

But as the need for our work continues to grow at an unprecedented speed, we need your help to ensure we can always be there for those in need.

We’re asking our Governors to please consider increasing their donation to £100 per month, or whatever you can afford. This could help us to provide crucial services for clergy children, like education assessments and special family holidays, and support the next generation of ordinands and curates.

A group of young people, sitting around a campfire.

What your support enables

“I always felt like I was the only person who had a vicar for a dad - I’d never met any other young people like that!”

Being a clergy child can be a unique, often isolating experience that few other children can relate to.

Your donation could help us fund projects like Life to the Max, a residential camp for clergy children - organised and run by the Dioceses of Bristol and Bath & Wells - with activities including tobogganing, raft-building and archery.

Events like these are vital for the wellbeing of young people, ensuring they feel part of a supportive, understanding community of their peers.

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By Standing Order

To donate, please contact your bank or building society - in-person, by phone or through online banking - and ask them to set up a Standing Order. Contact us for details.

Contact Us

By Card

You can also make a one-off or a regular donation, by Credit or Debit Card, on our website. If you have any questions about donating, email us at

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Other ways to support us

As well as caring for your loved ones, your Will is an opportunity to remember the service of - and make a lasting impact on the lives of - clergy, their families and their children for generations to come.

There are three kinds of gift that you can pledge to Clergy Support Trust in your Will:

A share or percentage of your estate ('a residuary gift')
This is given from what is left after other specific gifts, such as to your loved ones, have been made.

A specific sum of money (a 'pecuniary gift')
You can ask your solicitor to review this sum from time to time, to ensure it is not affected by inflation, and that it continues to reflect your generosity.

A particular item
This might be a property, shares, jewellery or a work of art.

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