Our recent news

Launching our clergy Wellbeing Workshops

Our new, free Wellbeing Workshops have been developed by Anglican clergy, for Anglican clergy, to help support their mental health and ministry.

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Clergy Orphan Donations

The bank account details for the Clergy Orphan Corporation Fund have changed. If you generously support this fund, please inform your bank.

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Campfires and tobogganing at children's camp

We're privileged to help fund Family Max, a chance for clergy children in Bath and Wells to make new friends.

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368th Festival Service held on 9 May 2023

Historic Choral Festival dating back to Charles II among first events held following coronation of King Charles III.

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The Rt Revd Rachel Treweek's sermon at the 2023 Festival

"It is in these places that Clergy Support Trust shines a light and adds their voice to the ‘and yet’ of God’s hope".

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Visiting choirs welcomed to 368th Festival

The choirs of Leicester, Llandaff and St Paul's cathedrals perform together to celebrate clergy households.

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Retired Clergy Officers asked to spread word

More than 40 people attending a Pensions Board event were encouraged to tell retired households about the Trust.

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Bishop Rachel to preach at 368th Festival Service

The Bishop of Gloucester will give the sermon at this year's Festival Service at St Paul's Cathedral.

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Visit to New Wine Leadership Conference

Our team attended the conference in Harrogate, to encourage more people to apply for support.

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St Paul's Cathedral hosts the world's oldest choral festival

Join Leicester, Llandaff and St Paul's Cathedral choirs as we celebrate the ministry of clergy on Tuesday 9 May 2023, 5pm.

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Clergy cost-of-living concerns raised at General Synod

Stephen Hogg, trustee of Clergy Support Trust and General Synod member, raised the importance of financial support for clergy households at Synod’s debate on the cost-of-living crisis.

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Independent research published on UKME/GMH clergy wellbeing

Independent research into the wellbeing of UKME/Global Majority Heritage clergy commissioned as part of a 10-year programme into how clergy can flourish in ministry published.

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