Since 2022, we have helped with over £128,000 to support clergy facing debt... but the Universal Credit shift could see households £1 million out of pocket.

"The Church said I might ‘feel uncomfortable’ in a curacy where parishioners were ‘monochrome white working-class parish’ - that I wouldn’t fit in as a black person.

Becca's car is vital to her rural ministry, volunteering with a local charity and even saving an abandoned bride.

Luke March has been a Steward of the Festival for five decades. Find out why our historic choral music event means so much to him.

Our Organisation grants help support the Sheldon centre in Devon, a Christian community offering retreats to clergy and/or their spouses/partners.

In 2023, we awarded over £169k in grants to support clergy and their families with diagnostic tests, educational psychologist assessments and assistive technologies.